FoodHow to make Scalloped Potatoes

Clint12 years ago27 min
Scalloped Potatoes Ingredients
Preparations for scalloped potato recipe

After filling up on mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving, scalloped potatoes are a great way to change it up for your Christmas dinners. This is a relatively simple recipe, but can take some time if you do it entirely the old fashioned way. Therefore,  let’s get a little modern with this vintage recipe and use a mandolin. There’s no need to sit and slice all of those potatoes by hand when you have one, and they’re fun to use. Here’s a couple of cooking tips for the scalloped potato recipe as well.

Cooking Tips:

  • Use fresh firm potatoes
  • Use sea salt
  • Use a mandolin
  • Keeping the potatoes 1-2 ” from the top prevents boiling over
Scalloped Potatoes Thinly Sliced
Mandolin makes this vintage recipe simple

Ingredients – Scalloped Potato Recipe

10 large
potatoes ( Russet) Use your mandolin to thinly slice each potato

1 stick of butter

2 “heaping” tbsp of Flour per cup of milk

Salt (Sea Salt)

Black Pepper

1 White Onion (can substitute w/ Onion Powder if needed)

4 cups Milk

Scalloped Potatoes Layers
Make layers and repeat the process
Scalloped Potatoes with Milk Added
This is the proper milk level and top layer level

Cooking Instructions – Scalloped Potato Recipe

Using a large casserole baking dish, grease the inside of the dish. First you need to wash, peel and thinly slice each potato. The sliced need to be thin.  Begin evenly placing the sliced potatoes into the bottom to create a layer. Once your layer is in place, season with salt, pepper  and onion powder. If you are using fresh onion then sprinkle finely chopped onion.  Shave a thin piece of butter off the top of a fresh cube and break it up, then add to that layer. Repeat this process until you reach about 1-2 inches from the top of your casserole.   Whisk flour and milk together, then pour over the layers until its just over the top layer of the potatoes.

Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 1 1/2 hour – 2 hours

Scalloped Potatoes Baking
Let them get nice and brown on top

Once it’s browned on the top and bubbling, you’re done!

Scalloped Potatoes Complete
Scalloped potatoes hot out of the oven


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